13 Aug
13 Aug
12:20 p.m.
On 2019-08-13 12:03:56 -0400 (-0400), Scott Little wrote: [...]
# b) The commit is still under review in gerrit
# Point your browser at the review e.g. https://review.opendev.org/#/c/674719/ # In the upper right hand corner find the 'Download' button to expand the sub-menu. # Find the 'cherry-pick' option. On the right you'll find a button that fill copy cherry pick commands to your clip-board. # Paste the cherry pick commands into your shell. It will look something like ... git fetch https://review.opendev.org/starlingx/integ refs/changes/19/674719/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD [...]
You can also simply `git review -x 674719` to cherry-pick a change from Gerrit into your current branch. -- Jeremy Stanley