On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 01:57:42PM -0800, Kendall Nelson wrote:
I think the issue is that forum submissions building on what gets discussed in Berlin can't be expected to be finalised whilst attendees to the berlin meetup are still traveling. It's not that Erik can't pull these things together, in fact he's an old hand at this, it's more that this process isn't reasonable if there's so little time to collate what we learn in Berlin and feed it forward to Denver. Frankly it sounds like because the planning committee needs 5 weeks, Erik can have two days. Seem unfair.
Honestly, the decision process doesn't take much time, aside from organizing a time that all 10 people can meet across x timezones (a thing unto itself). Its the community feedback period, giving people enough time to secure travel approval from their management, loading the sessions into the actual schedule app, and other print deadlines that force us to have everything set this far out.
I will definitely help the ops community in whatever way I can! Do you have remote attendance set up for the meetup?
To be clear, the issue isn't needing help writing up the submission. So great if someone can attend or watch for topics coming up that can be pulled out into Forum ideas, but the crux is that there are a lot of things discussed at these events and it may take several days after it is over to realize, "hey, that would be really useful if we could discuss that at the Forum." I don't think what Erik asked for is unreasonable. The Ops Meetup event is exactly the target we want feeding into Forum discussions. If we can give a week after the event for the Ops Meetup ends for this processing to happen, I think we increase the odds of an effective and useful Forum. Can we please extend that deadline out a few more days to make sure we get this valuable input? Sean