I would like to propose the following basic development process for StarlingX. Instead of writing a long document, I will just propose a set of guidelines. Comments and feedback will be graciously accepted. Rule 1: We will follow all the usual open source and OpenStack conventions Rule 2: Code submissions should do one thing. Larger efforts should be divided into multiple submissions. Rule 3: Code submissions should be reviewable (e.g. not thousands of lines). Rule 4: Code submissions shall have a signed-off-by line. This is a strict requirement. Rule 5: All code submissions shall have a Storyboard Story or Task associated with them and linked to in the commit message. Use the stx-* project that makes sense, or stx-upstream for upstream changes Rule 6: Code submissions for bug fixes can be posted to gerrit when ready Rule 7: Code submissions for larger development tasks shall be discussed on the mailing list _prior_ to code submission, to allow for community review and feedback. Post early and often. Please review (and test!) each other's code. brucej