5/21 meeting:

·         How are we going to handle the changes for Placement / Nova?

§  > Do we lose anything without monkey patch on placement?

§  No, placement doesn't need eventlet monkey patching and would prefer the package not be imported at all.

§  I suspect that the reason that this problem has not been widely noticed is because in Stein placement is extracted to its own repo and project and primarily tested using the extracted placement (the nova functional tests use the extracted placement).

§  nova-placement-api remains around in Stein to ease upgrades (that is you can upgrade everything to Stein, keeping placement in nova, and then once that is done, switch to the extracted placement). Docs for some of that at: https://docs.openstack.org/placement/latest/upgrade/to-stein.html

§  Placement doesn't intentionally use eventlet anywhere. The placement-in- nova inherits monkey patching as a result of package hierarchies. In the extracted placement that goes away.

§  Therefore the cleanest, but not necessarily quickest, solution to this problem would be to switch to the extracted placement, which is going to need to happen at some point anyway. Now might be the time to pay the cost?

§  If there are questions or issues with making that happen, please as for help on the openstack-discuss list with a [placement] tag and several folk will leap to your aid.

§  New story https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005750 created

§  Will likely fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1827692

·         We are (will be) switching to our own stable branch for Nova.  When / if do we re-sync with upstream stable stein?  We have changes from Gerry pending review against the repo.  AR Dean to check to see if we even need to rebase.

·         PCI Affinity review 2 merged!  Fix for simplex submitted for review

·         Alex (Nova Core) reports:

·         Scrub other open bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bugs?field.tag=stx.distro.openstack

·         One of the two pending reviews for the rbd disks issue (640271) has merged.  642667 is still pending.