
Thank you very much for your help. I have solved the problem of bootstrap system on controller-0, but I have encountered a new problem.

I according to https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r4_release/virtual/controller_storage_install_kubernetes.htmlworker-0 and worker-1 are stuck in pxe boot. Could you please help me? Thanks.

Brief Description
My Environment:
1. I install StarlingX in Virtual Environment.
2. StarlingX version: R4.0
3. stx-tools: stx.4.0
4. Steps:
             a. Set system password succesfully.
             b. Bootstrap system on controller-0 succesfully.
             c. Unlock controller-0 succesfully.
             d. Check pxe-boot informations(succesfully):
                         a. controller-0:/home/wrsroot# grep management_interface /etc/platform/platform.conf
b. controller-0:/home/wrsroot# grep pxecontroller /etc/hosts pxecontroller
c. ip addr show eth1001 | grep
inet scope global eth1001
d. controller-0:/home/wrsroot# sm-dump |grep pxe
pxeboot-ip enabled-active enabled-active
             e. Add worker-0 using MAC address:
                         system host-add -n worker-0 -p worker -m 52:54:00:cd:ca:cd
                         system update 2 personality=worker hostname=worker-0
                         system host-list
                                     | id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
                                     | 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |
                                     | 2  | worker-0     | worker      | locked         | disabled    | offline      |
             f. After running controllerstorage-worker-0/1 the virtual machine, worker-0/worker-1 has been blocked in the pxeboot window

1. worker-0/worker-1 has been blocked in the pxeboot window
2. I tried the following methods, but still nothing works£º
       a. I configure the optional untagged PXE boot network for PXE booting of new hosts using IPv4, Reference url is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1913582 
       b. I tried to start worker-0 first, and then tried to use the system host-update command, but the result still failed. Reference url is: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-May/004354.html
3. according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1913582, I need enabling the VLAN related config in BIOS setting of worker-0/1, But I do not how to enable it in BIOS.
4. I tried to change the e1000 in the device modle to virtio, but it still didn¡¯t work

Could you please help me? Thanks!

Best regards with you,
