Agenda/Minutes are posted at: Release meeting agenda / notes May 23 2019 stx.2.0 Status: - Upcoming Milestones: - MS-3: June 14 - Feature Test Complete: July 8 - stx.2.0 Dev Updates for MS-3 - Containerized Openstack services - Prime: Frank - Code Merge: June 6 >> June 14 (with exceptions for cleanup stories) - Overall 47 stx2.0 SBs of which 28 have merged/been accepted Remaining items: - 19 SBs have not yet merged & been accepted: - 3 are completed and will be accepted after some initial soak/test in next week - 3 expected to complete by May 31 (Ironic, docker image updates) - 5 expected to complete by June 7 (OVS, integration SBs) - 1 expected to complete by June 14 (final helm chart overrides for nova and storage) - 3 are cleanup/code removal SBs and may go into late June but are low risk tasks - 4 are candidates to move to R3 (Containerization of Clients, Fault; remainder of CPU manager static policy, Backup and Restore with Containers) - [brucej] FM containerization is in progress - 6 reviews out, 2 have merged. Horizon and fix to an NFV bug not yet posted - Action: Frank to make a submission proposal on the above 4 stories that won't make it by June 14 >> what code is allowed in master before RC1? Don't want code that would invalidate testing already done - Containerization of clients/fault can be deferred to R3 as the services would continue to run on the host - CPU Manager Static Policy is an enhancement ...can be deferred to R3 as well - Only Backup & Restore with containers will introduce a "reduction" in functionality relative to stx.1.0 - Swag completion: End of July - Brent (containers TL) agreed with decision to defer above content. - Integrate Containerized OVS - Prime: Forrest - Code Merge: April 5 (first merge) >> June 7 Remaining items: June 7 - Build a docker image with ovs 2.11 instead of using the default ovs container which has 2.8 - Anisble Deployment - Prime: Dariush - Code Merge: May 17 >> June 7; move has no impact on testing Remaining items: June 7 - SDK - code in, but need some packaging - Cleanup - Openstack Patch Elimination - Prime: Bruce - Code Merge: ?? 99% complete. We are running Stein/stable from May 5th. We might rebase to the latest - TBD. There is a bit of work left to do on the Test team. Remaining items: - We have a few work items still outstanding. The main one is to integrate the separate Placement service. See and!/story/2005750. - Gating Items before declaring the feature done: - Update to use the external Placement service (instead of the embedded code in nova) -- Fcst: ?? (scoping in progress) - This is required to enable future updates - NUMA-Aware Live Migration Feature: The code is ready, but there are generic failrues in zuul. Gerry cannot look at those until after June 14. - This can be re-assigned to someone else. Action: Bruce to discuss with Dean. - Rebase to latest stein. Action: Dean to make recommendation - Openstack Rebase - Prime: Frank - Code Merge: June 6 >> May 31 (likely sooner) Remaining items: - Point horizon and openstackclient to stein instead of master. Done on May 22 - Remove neutron fork >> in progress. Expect to be done next week (May 31) - Remove gnocchi fork >> Done - Point image builds to opendev instead of github >> in progress. Review is up. Expect to be done this week (May 24) - anything else? - stx.2.0 Test Updates for Feature Test Complete - CentOS upgrade to 7.6 - qat driver Upversion - Prime: Ada - Feature Tested: May 24 >> May 31 (ok) - (ac) Deployment in progress, to be completed on May 31 - Ceph Upgrade - Prime: Numan - Feature Tested: May 29 >> June 7 (ok) - (ac) Got a deployment working with May 21 ISO. To be completed on June 7 - Containerized Openstack services - Prime: Ada/Numan - Feature Tested: July 5 >> ?? - (ac) Testing re-started. End date under revision, looks like we have a delay of 3 weeks due to the build stability. Ada looking at alternatives to mitigate delay. - Integrate Containerized OVS - Prime: Ada - Feature Tested: May 3 >> Jun 14 (ok) - (ac) docker ovs 2.11 + 1 week - Anisble Deployment - Prime: Numan/Ada - Feature Tested: May 24 >> May 31 (Ada confirmed that they are on track so that config_controller can be disabled by May 31) - (ac) SX, DX and standard configs working with proxy environment - a patch for fixing standard and external storage has been submitted. External storage pending of testing. Working on automation. - Openstack Patch Elimination - Prime: Numan/Ada - Feature Tested: July 5 >> ?? - (ac) In progress. - OVS-DPDK Integration Enhancements - Prime: Ada - Feature Tested: May 24 >> Jun 7 (ok) - (ac) To be done on June 7. - stx.2.0 Summary - Openstack Patch Reduction has no concrete MS-3 yet -- need scoping of nova placement item - Feature Test of Containers -- Ada working on mitigation for load stability delays. A push of 3wks would risk other test activities - Release Backend Testing -- not flagging risk, but want to evaluate the impacts of the Feature test re-forecasts - stx.3.0 - Next step is to start to look at content -- both bottom up (sub-project treams) and top down (TSC priorities) - Start by identifying primes for the items discussed in the ptg - Need teams to secure their resourcing for stx.2.0 first