Hi, I'm following the wiki[0] and in the Provider/tenant networking setup these commands are listed: $ neutron host-bind-interface --interface $(sudo -u postgres psql -qt -d sysinv -c "select uuid from ethernet_interfaces join interfaces on ethernet_interfaces.id=interfaces.id where providernetworks='physnet0';") --providernets physnet0 --mtu 1500 controller-0 $ neutron host-bind-interface --interface $(sudo -u postgres psql -qt -d sysinv -c "select uuid from ethernet_interfaces join interfaces on ethernet_interfaces.id=interfaces.id where providernetworks='physnet1';") --providernets physnet1 --mtu 1500 controller-0 Which uses the information directly from the database, however the SQL query requests data from an unexistent column and throw the following error. controller-0:/home/wrsroot# sudo -u postgres psql -qt -d sysinv -c "select uuid from ethernet_interfaces join interfaces on ethernet_interfaces.id=interfaces.id where providernetworks='physnet0';" ERROR: column "providernetworks" does not exist LINE 1: ...ces on ethernet_interfaces.id=interfaces.id where providerne... ^ It turns out that both tables, ethernet_interfaces and interfaces doesn't have any providernetworks field. Which is the correct column to get the completion of this command? or what would be the equivalent sysinv api request to get this information? In any case I think we should update the wiki. Thanks in advance. -Erich - [0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Containers/Installation#Verify_the...