Agenda/Minutes are posted at: stx.5.0 - Sanity for stx.5.0 - Expect latest sanity results in a few hours - Alexandru just saw one new issue reported in the stx.5.0 sanity. - - After further investigation, it was confirmed that this is an issue on the stx master branch only. - The reason it was mistakenly reported on stx.5.0 due to a lab config issue where one controller was running stx master and the other was running stx.5.0 - Bugs - Open: - Reviewed all remaining bugs and agreed that only one is gating for the release - - As of May 20, this has been addressed and cherrypicked to the r/stx.5.0 release branch - Steps to close stx.5.0 - Wait for good sanity report - Prime: Alexandru / Complete - - Send email to community not to merge additional code changes to the branch - Prime: Ghada / Forecast: May 21 - Stop Builds and start release process - Prime: Scott / Forecast: Starting on May 25 - Send email to community when the release process is complete - Prime: Scott / Forecst: May 26 (TBC) - Run sanity on the official build - Prime: Alexandru / Forecast: May 27 (TBC) - Announce release milestone to community - Prime: Ghada & Ildiko / Forecast: May 28 (TBC) Regards, Ghada