Hi Penny,


I’d like to discuss with you about this 2 patches.

ntpd-started-no-g-option.patch    //change  /etc/sysconfig/ntpd

ntp-spec-add-TiS-custom-config-files.patch // add ntp.conf file to /etc/


Can we remove this 2 patches?

In stx/stx-config/puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/ntp.pp,

it already generates ntp.conf file by puppet


file { 'ntp_config':

      ensure  => file,

      path    => '/etc/ntp.conf',

      mode    => '0640',

      content => template('platform/ntp.conf.server.erb'),



For /etc/sysconfig/ntpd, I’d like to add this custom file in ntp.pp, then we can remove related patch.


Any comment from you? Thanks!


BTW, I saw some other packages also have pp file in stx/stx-config/puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/

So I can do some modification on existed pp to change/add some config file, right?


For SW patching scenario, it is OK for non-in-service update. After reboot, puppet will apply config again.

But for in-service update, without reboot, how to apply this custom file again after patching.  That’s why I thought of using patching-script.

Do you have any other proposal?


