Did I actually post 'yumshadow-utils' ? That should read 'shadow-utils'.
No issues. So far this " ERROR: Could not find useradd in chroot, maybe the install failed? " is seen in 2 different setups started from scratch, looking more into the source code this ['chroot_setup_cmd'] is found in 2 files: - build-tools/build_minimal_iso/build.cfg - build-tools/modify-build-cfg How possible is it we can add the "required" packages into "modify-build-cfg"? Iso building differ but have them including 'shadow-utils'. Adding them under "modify-build-cfg" allowed me to continue running the build-pkgs and get rid of the problem. Any other cleaner way? Complete repo grep output: [user@8848c894bb36 cgcs-root]$ repo grep buildsys-build cgcs-root/build-tools/build_minimal_iso/build.cfg:config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = \ 'install @buildsys-build' cgcs-root/build-tools/build_minimal_iso/build.cfg:config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = \ 'install @buildsys-build pigz lbzip2 yum shadow-utils rpm-build lbzip2 gcc glibc-headers make gcc-c++ java-devel' cgcs-root/build-tools/modify-build-cfg:grep -q "config_opts\['chroot_setup_cmd'\] = \ 'install @buildsys-build pigz lbzip2 yum'" $FILE || \ cgcs-root/build-tools/modify-build-cfg: echo "config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = \ 'install @buildsys-build pigz lbzip2 yum'" >> $FILE