Hi StarlingX Community My group is running into an error which in brief says “"No handlers could be found for logger \"cgtsclient.common.http\" We have adjusted the parameter “standard_root_disk_size: “ parameter in main.yml from the directory /usr/share/ansiblestz-ansible/playbooks/roles/bootstrap/prepare-env/vars/ Previous it was 500, we adjusted it to 100, then 50 and then 1 but still received the same error. This seems more like an HTTP issue moreso than a physical disk problem. I have attached the entire console output of stderr, formatted a bit for readability. I found this ticket from last week but it includes “Disk size requirements not met” which isn’t included in our output so it’s likely different. http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2021-January/010647.ht... Any help this is would be appreciated. Thanks, Elijah Mendez This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when opening external links or attachments. Please visit https://carleton.ca/its/help-centre/report-phishing/ for information on reporting phishing messages. When in doubt, the ITS Service Desk can provide assistance. https://carleton.ca/its/chat -----End of Disclaimer-----