Attendees: Jackie Huang, Tianyu Li, Charles, Mark,
Scott, Davlet, Juanita
1. General Topics
- 1.1 Split
package list between repositories (ISO and container images)
- Separation
of the list is done per Davlet.
- AI: Devlet
will check the documentation on package list.
- 1.2 Log
into the git before download the source.
- How to
pass the credential through the tooling layer when log into git repo.
- workaround:
currently use repo sync outside of the containers.
- AI: Scott
to write up a feature request for the tool - file a request in Story Board.
- 1.3 Pre-patch
ISO (Luis Sampaio is back, will ping him to join us next time)
move is done. Got a build done it is working.
- Ampere
provided 6 servers
- Still
waiting on exact location where the servers should be sent from Steve G. of the CTO office
- 6 Ampere
servers will go to where the CENGN lab is going to be. 2 for build, 4 for testing.
- Can the
community support the lab?
is still waiting on a location to host these servers. AI: Steve is help looking for a location to host these servers.
- AI: who
from the community can help setup these servers? and support the CI/CD on ARM platform
- Who can
help explain the CI/CD method to Jackie, Tiayu.
- A lot
of left over work with CNGN transition. Scott/Davlet can help answer some of the quetions.
is not very well documented.
- c. Porting
still in progreess (Jakie)
- rewrote
the coding to support build system for both x86 and arm
- build
system will detect the arch, and if it is arm, it will build arm arch.
- Wrote
up the SPEC on the implementtaion., and now waiting on SPEC to be review
- SPEC review
first then will send code for code review.
- Some kernel
modules don't work
- QEMU is
not working yet. Waiting on kernel up-rev, then and see if QEMU can be fixed then.
- Created
2 wikipages for setting up the build environment for ARM arch:
- d. Packages
for x86_64 are in CNGN, need to push ARM packages there.
- hopefully
within a week, the packages can be pushed to CNGN. Hopefully next week sometime when the CNGN moved finish.
- Secureboot
is disabled for now. Will do it in the future.
is used to build image. Need to push the SDK to CNGN, no permission to push to CNGN yet, it is on local disk.
- Need to
change meta-lat layer for ELF SDK, but want to link the task to different repo, but can't.
- meta-lat
layer is not in the StartlingX repo, but its in github repo. fork it.. do a pull request to github lab for any changes.
- meta-lat
used is with the WR's repo, not community one. Will migrate later.
- package
names, and Branch Names, resolved. are all in the SPEC>
- f. Build
server configurations resolved. Amper and ARM have the configuration setup.
- SPEC from
Chuck on OSTree generation on the controller, pending review.
- Work is
being done, but the SPEC will need to be rewritten. Deferred.