A StarlingX Community, I’m reaching out to you with exciting news. Jeremy helped to set up the new StarlingX space, which is now available on Matrix, on the opendev.org server! As the community favored to set up a room for each project team, we decided to also create a “space” on Matrix that groups all the StarlingX rooms together. The available rooms are the following: - StarlingX General - StarlingX Build - StarlingX Containers - StarlingX Distro - StarlingX DistCloud - StarlingX Docs - StarlingX Flock - StarlingX Networking - StarlingX OpenStack - StarlingX Release - StarlingX Test You can access the StarlingX space here: https://matrix.to/#/#starlingx:opendev.org As a reminder, you can use the following resources to pick a client, register and join the new space: - Information about Matrix: https://matrix.org - There are different options to use as a browser or desktop client. Many of them are also available on smartphones: + Element (one of the more popular ones, this is what I’m using) - https://element.io + Some other options include ~ Weechat - https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix ~ SchildiChat - https://schildi.chat/ ~ FluffyChat - https://fluffychat.im/ + There is documentation available in the Zuul community’s docs about how to register - https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/latest/howtos/matrix.html#create-an-account - Once you have your account set up, you can access the StarlingX space by searching for #starlingx:opendev.org + After you joined the space itself, you can choose which rooms you would like join in addition I’m still working on room descriptions, please let me know if your team has a preference to add! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Director of Community Open Infrastructure Foundation