Build team meeting


Agenda for 3/7/2019


- Cengn build update

- Ubuntu Build update

- Build separation

- Opens




Cengn build update  Build experiencing a few errors due to 404 for certain files when try to download on mirror, Scott has a proposed patch, please advise. Cengn build scripts have been uploaded to git repository on stx-staging/Jenkins. Still working on the mirror infrastructure for be moved to K8 backend.


Ubuntu Build update Build for Ubuntu POC was successful, the goal is to try to integrate to Ubuntu, a modified kernel with StarlingX patches, a few bare metal components and the bits necessary to bring stx-faul online, so far, we have built an Ubuntu image with the kernel and the stx-fault plus their dependencies packaged in a .deb file.


Build separation we are evaluating proposals on the implementation for a separated build based on layers having on one side the OS/distro build, which we are targeting that we build once and hardly ever touch it (so we don’t have to build it all the time) just when a change is introduced to the OS and host that separated from the other layers for consumption , and, the Containers and Flock services layers, containing separate bits that are built regularly and also stored separate for consumption. This proposal is being evaluated  as well as another proposal from Scott which we are waiting to hear about.





Cesar Lara

Software Engineering Manager

OpenSource Technology Center