Branch r/stx.7.0 can build ISO's, but container builds remain broken on stx-nova. stx-nova's issues started with spice-html5. The first issue was spice-html5's github repo, forcing a move to gitlab's copy of the spice-html5. The move to gitlab went smoothly for debian (master and r/stx.8.0), but is failing to clone from r/stx.7.0 centos. It appears gitlab requires a newer version git. Centos is using version 1.8.x. Debain is using a version 2.x.x. We have a few options: 1) r/stx.7.0 needs to find a way to inject a newer version of git into the Loci CentOS container that stx-nova is based on. A tricky thing to fix. 2) Move to a newer version of Centos across all Loci images, Prohibitive cost. 3) Discontinue container builds for r/stx.7.0 4) Selectively discontinue builds of stx-nova and any other image needing spice-html5 for r/stx.7.0 Thoughts? Scott