Attendees: Davlet, Charles, Scott, Mark, Frank, Steve, Linda
1. General Topics
- Split Images (if
we don't have a complete list of packages, but only a few packages in the repo)
- product vs project
split the images.
- deliver the code
into a single repo. to get a git repo list
- replicate what CentOS stylist,
need a couple user stories to track the different tiers: project, product, release.
- Wireguard configs for both
CentOS and Debian have been submitted.
- StartlingX 8,0
- Content Sharing Disk space conservation
- User specific vs project specific
- perhaps Aptly isn't a good fit, and work directly at filesystem
- however, the goal is to have STX buildable by STX or inside of K8s where disk/folder access is not a guarantee (concerns about concurrent access should be tested out)
- Suggestion: Repo per host, but serialization will be an issue.
- Only writes will be serialized
- AI: Scott to help write up a story and will have others in the community to take a look.
- Pulp vs Aptly package manager
- patch on Pulp still waiting on maintainer to review and merge
- Pulp is still better package manager than Aptly in the long run (Aptly has been limping along)
- for those curious, the DBS using Aptly is
- How to provoke a mirroring of a package to build a package on Debian world, in need of a new package.
- need to put in infrastructure for unknown package build.
- Will become an issue when introducing Debian build only.
- For now, AI: need document and suggested workflow.
- Pulp has the concept of meta object, so doesn't require download of the package.
- Still may have impact to the Debian packages. minor use cases may need this.
- AI; Park this topic, 'til New year
- Transition to deprecated CentOS for StartlingX 8.0 (Late November, Q4'22)
- 2022-23 will need to stop building CentOS in CNGN build systems
- need to get all containers transition and built/tested
- if need to keep pkgs around for those containers that still need to be transitioned, keep the CentOS pkgs list small to only those needed for the transitional containers
- AI: Frank will represent WR to announce/advocate the changes in Community meeting, next PTG meeting.
- AI: Will wait for couple weeks to determine if there are any packages, we need to keep 'til containers are fully port over and transitioned. Davlet: write up a spec to reduce the CentOS
pgks to StartlingX, on PTG meeting agenda.