Agenda and notes - Dec 12 call

·         Next Release Update -- Ghada & Bruce

o   Release Plan documented at:

o   Discussion Details/Options documented at:

·         Please register for the January community meeting so we can get a count for logistics (meals, etc...):

o   (ildikov) As of today we have 14 people registered

·         Looking for volunteers for the distro.openstack team to work on the rebase to OSF master and on patch resolution.

o   PL: Bruce

o   TL per area

o   Neutron - Matt Peters

o   Nova -  Jim Gauld

o   Horizon -  TBD

o   Neutron work will be handled in the Networking team

o   Need a meeting timeslot for the Nova and Horizon work.   Tuesday AM PDT?  6am PDT / 1400 UTC

o   Discuss high level plan for this work e.g. branching, etc...

·         Holiday meeting schedule

o   No project meetings will be held for the weeks of Dec 24-28 and Dec 31-Jan 4.  All StarlingX meetings are canceled for the holiday.  We will resume meetings the week of Jan 7th.

·         Ada is updating the wiki with our proposed Test Strategy.  She will post the link today.  Please review and provide feedback.  Thank you for reviewing the Test Strategy with the team!