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From: Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko@openinfra.dev>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 6:14:07 AM
To: StarlingX ML <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Community Communication Channels - VOTE NEEDED

Thank you all for the feedback so far!

I haven’t received any objections against the option to start using Matrix as a chat tool for the StarlingX community. People had questions on the Community Call about the tool today, so I collected some useful information to help exploring it:

- As a reminder, you can find out more about the tool here: https://matrix.org
- There are different options to use as a browser or desktop client. Many of them are also available on smartphones.
  + I’m using Element - https://element.io
  + Some other options include
    ~ Weechat - https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix
    ~ SchildiChat - https://schildi.chat/
    ~ FluffyChat - https://fluffychat.im/

- The #starlingX IRC channel is also available through Matrix - https://matrix.to/#/!XDOJNehPiaWKvYGWVD:matrix.org?via=matrix.org
  ~ You will need to create an account first
  ~ There is documentation available in the Zuul community’s docs about how to register - https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/latest/howtos/matrix.html#create-an-account

During the Community Call, it also came up that it would be great to agree on how we would like to utilize a chat tool. For instance, to aovid having too many channels, etc. The current proposal to the Matrix setup is the following:

- Have multiple chat rooms available for community communication:
  + starlingx-general room - topics that are relevant to the whole community
  + StarlingX project team channels
    ~ topics that are relevant to a project team
    ~ ie: starlingx-build, starlingx-containers, etc
  + Optional channel ideas - specific topic areas that are outside of the existing project teams
    ~ starlingx-newcomers
    ~ starlingx-troubleshooting

__ If you are in support to use Matrix as the chat tool for StarlingX moving forward, please reply to this email with ‘+1’.__

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you need help with setting up Matrix.

Best Regards,


Ildikó Váncsa
Director of Community
Open Infrastructure Foundation

> On Jul 4, 2023, at 21:42, open infra <openinfradn@gmail.com> wrote:
> CentOS, TDF/LibreOffice, and Libre Graphics use Libra Chat and Scala, and many others use discord. 
> Fedora and many others use metrix. I think its better switch to metrix as as the OpenDev Collaboratory has a metrix server (.as Jeremy Stanley mentioned in his reply).
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:34 PM Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko@openinfra.dev> wrote:
> Hi StarlingX Community,
> I’m reaching out to you about a recurring topic that came up during the PTG last week again.
> While the community is actively using the mailing list, it is not always the best platform, as it doesn’t allow for more synchronous chat. Contributors at the event had a growing interest in finding a way to provide the opportunity for more synchronous communication to capture the project teams’ chatters, and enable newcomers to reach out and start to participate.
> Challenges:
>   * Tooling: People raised that while it is an open protocol, IRC still doesn’t feel inclusive due to its simplicity.
>   * Format: The current one-channel setup doesn’t feel efficient and comfortable, since people need to address everyone in the channel with every topic they have a question or comment about.
> Proposal to move forward:
>   * Tooling: The preferred tool in last week’s conversation was Matrix - https://matrix.org
>     - It is an open tool, which ensures continued access to the platform and its features
>     - It is more modern than IRC
>   * Format: The idea came up to create multiple channels for the StarlingX project
>     - We can keep the all-community channel
>     - We can create channels for each project team, that are more topic specific
>     - We also have the option to create a channel for newcomers, which could include troubleshooting type of conversations as well
> In order to identify next steps, please share your feedback about the proposal above. Ie: What do you think about Matrix? Would you be more comfortable using a chat tool with the more fine grained configuration of having multiple channels?
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Ildikó
> ———
> Ildikó Váncsa
> Director of Community
> Open Infrastructure Foundation
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