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Hello guys,
One of our tests is checking the kube services and after the upgrade of nginx-ingress-controller I found that some services names were changed:
E AssertionError: One or more services are missing from the list
E assert ['ic-nginx-in...', 'kube-dns'] == ['ic-nginx-ing...', 'kube-dns']
E At index 0 diff: 'ic-nginx-ingress-controller' != 'ic-nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller'
E Full diff:
E - ['ic-nginx-ingress-controller', 'ic-nginx-ingress-default-backend', 'kube-dns']
E + ['ic-nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller',
E + 'ic-nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission',
E + 'kube-dns']
Is this an expected behavior, a known issue?
Should we open a bug or we actually need to update our test?
Kind regards,
Alex Dimofte
Dimofte Alexandru
Software Engineer
Skype no: +40 336403734
Personal Mobile: +40 743167456
Intel Romania
Starlingx-discuss mailing list
Isac Sacchi e Souza, Systems Architect
DAITAN | Accelerating | www.daitan.com
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