Agenda items:
Attendees: Davlet
Panech, Steve Geary, Charles Short, Linda Wang, Bill Zvonar, Mark Asselstine, Frank Miller, Bob Church
1. OS Distro
- still new, how often do we want to do
stable updatees, and when to stop.
- Debian patches going upstream:
- currently 10 people are using the build
- Yue Tao indicates there are 9 more commits
for build coming in the next 2 weeks
- the code is complex, so need to understand
what the code is doing.
- using the build aspect of the OBS. need
to continue the discussion with developer since the implementation has deviated from original design.
- reusing and modify the helmchart, so the
team can use it.
- Building bridge to the Debian community
now that the patches are going upstream now that some of the patches are being posted to upstream community.
- Mark is spread really thin, so will start
look into it. but the priority is still getting the patches into Debian build system.
- Currently will accumlate the technical
debt, but will build bridge to the community members, and get those technical debt upstream.
- Challenge with pushing patches to Debian
community is to get the maintainer to understand the why of the patches, or the solution of an issue, so that they will accept it.
- Integration with Pulp and Apily is essential
- Debian OS Migration: New stx build tool
- Debian OS Migration Build system