Hello all,

I am volunteering to be the Project Lead for the starlingx networking team. There are a few members identified from Wind River already. Any others wish to join? I will be looking for a timeslot for a regular meeting once I gather the list of participants.


Sub-team wiki:



Work Backlog:



I’m particularly interested in having someone work on the following for the stx.2018.10 release:

https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2002946 - OVS LLDP inventory

https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2002944 - OVS-DPDK firewall driver





Ghada Khalil, Manager, Titanium Cloud, Wind River
direct 613.270.2273  skype ghada.khalil.ottawa

350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 200, Kanata, ON K2K 2W5