On 2023-08-03 03:00:18 +0000 (+0000), Khalil, Ghada wrote:
I don't think this is working. I have included a couple of examples below, but there are many based on the recent code merges in the StarlingX repo. [...]
Thanks for the heads up! I instrumented some additional debug logging in the hook scripts responsible for Gerrit-to-Launchpad integration and discovered that, in addition to the earlier issue, we also were apparently broken by an incident[*] with the Launchpad API dating back to June 23. After performing[**] the cache cleanup they recommended, I'm no longer seeing tracebacks from the scripts, so expect they should finally be working as of a few minutes ago. Please double-check any changes you merge in the near future, just to be extra sure. [*] https://ubuntu.social/@launchpadstatus/110594525393361192 [**] https://fosstodon.org/@opendevinfra/110826029948394419 -- Jeremy Stanley