Sanity on stx-2018-10-19-28-r-2018.10.iso 31 TCs PASS, 0 TCs FAIL. The 2 failures from stx-2018-10-18-27-r-2018.10.iso seems to be false positive. However, the root cause hasn't been found yet, still investigating. - Duplex virtual deployed and configured correctly after fix for openvswitch has been merged. - "Volume snapshot created from a cirros image can not be deleted with cli" [0] found in multinode with external storage on virtual configuration - Thanks to the team that is working over the weekend to increase our execution rate. - Execution progress (Fail/Pass/Pending/Total) Simplex bare metal - 2/71/3/76 Simplex virtual - 0/10/61/71 Duplex bare metal - 2/89/7/98 Duplex virtual - 3/86/14/103 Multinode local storage bare metal - 4/106/8/118 Multinode local storage virtual - 7/94/25/126 Multinode external storage bare metal - 4/104/8/116 Multinode external storage virtual - 5/90/24/129 Full report in the wiki [1] [0] [1] A. _______________________________________________ Starlingx-discuss mailing list