weifei, The disable_worker_services file was originally created to prevent the (bare metal) nova-compute services from running on a newly upgraded controller in an AIO-DX configuration, until we swacted to that controller. This was necessary because nova does not support communication between a newer version of nova-compute and older versions of nova-conductor. This situation no longer exists because the bare metal nova-compute services do not exist after our transition to containers. Unfortunately, the disable_worker_services file was also used when we first switched to containers, as a quick and dirty way of disabling the bare metal OpenStack services (this is done in the stx-puppet/puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/kubernetes.pp). By always creating this file it caused the missing alarm issue in the bug you are working on. I think the proper solution here is to remove all references to the disable_worker_services file from the codebase - this flag is no longer needed. This would also include removing the worker_services init script, which is also unnecessary. Bart From: Peters, Matt Sent: September 16, 2019 8:33 AM To: Yu, Weifei; Bailey, Henry Albert (Al); Liu, Tao; Wensley, Barton Cc: Xu, Chenjie; starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io; Khalil, Ghada Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] BUG "After stopping vswitch service no alarm is generated Edit" +Bart From: "Yu, Weifei" <weifei.yu@intel.com> Date: Monday, September 16, 2019 at 7:28 AM To: "Bailey, Henry Albert (Al)" <Al.Bailey@windriver.com>, "Liu, Tao" <Tao.Liu@windriver.com>, "Peters, Matt" <Matt.Peters@windriver.com> Cc: "Xu, Chenjie" <chenjie.xu@intel.com>, "starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io" <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>, Ghada Khalil <Ghada.Khalil@windriver.com> Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] BUG "After stopping vswitch service no alarm is generated Edit" Hi All, After investigating the cause, I find if the file(at /var/run/.disable_worker_services) exists, then the process monitor will ignore these process that the subfunction type is worker. I have several questions about this bug. • Why is the file(disable_worker_services) always generated? When will it be deleted? • What is the difference between worker type and last-config type? (the type of subfunction) • Can I use last-config type instead of worker type? (These two are very similar) I would be grateful if you can give me some advice. The detail as below: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1838432 B&R weifei