Hi Liang,


It’s the wiki to deploy a Simplex configuration, and as far as I know it is updated.

The personality “worker” is assigned to computes, in an standard configuration (storage and non-storage).

Check this wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Containers, Below you can find the corresponding documentation to deploy each configuration.



Juan Carlos Alonso


From: Fang, Liang A
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 7:39 AM
To: Alonso, Juan Carlos <juan.carlos.alonso@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: RE: [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190223


Hi Alonso


Do you have any wiki/doc to guide the deployment of containerized Starlingx?

Below guider is out of date, e.g. controller-0 doesn’t have a sub-function “worker”. thanks.





From: Alonso, Juan Carlos [mailto:juan.carlos.alonso@intel.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 11:15 AM
To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190223


Status of the Sanity Test for last CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2019-Feb-23 (link)


Status: YELLOW




Sanity Test is executed in a Containers – Bare Metal Environment




Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack  39 TCs [PASS]

Sanity Platform   02 TCs [PASS]


TOTAL: [ 39 TCs PASS ]




Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack         [FAIL]

Sanity Platform   In Development


Cannot launch instances due to: No valid host was found. Placement service found no hosts. No filter information.

Seems that some pods services are not Running nor Completed:

-   calico-node-fnstv

-   calico-node-wrmwj

-   kube-proxy-mvddg

-   kube-proxy-stnq9

-   nova-cell-setup-xb8xp

-   osh-openstack-garbd-garbd-7779844649-6zttc


Will check with today ISO and if it is reproducible a Launchpad will be open.




Sanity Test is executed in a Containers - Virtual Environment




Setup             04 TCs [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack  38 TCs [PASS]

Sanity Platform   02 TCs [PASS]


TOTAL: [ 44 TCs PASS ]




Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack  39 TCs [PASS]

Sanity Platform   In Development


TOTAL: [ 39 TCs PASS ]


Standard Non Storage (2+2)


Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack         [FAIL]

Sanity Platform   In Development


Cannot launch instances due to: No valid host was found. Placement service found no hosts. No filter information.

Seems that some pods services are not Running nor Completed:

-   calico-node-fnstv

-   calico-node-wrmwj

-   kube-proxy-mvddg

-   kube-proxy-stnq9

-   nova-cell-setup-xb8xp

-   osh-openstack-garbd-garbd-7779844649-6zttc


Will check with today ISO and if it is reproducible a Launchpad will be open.





Juan Carlos Alonso