It seems that I cannot +2 on the intel-ethernet-operator repo. The core group looks empty to me: Regards, Igor ________________________________ From: Pires Soares, Igor <> Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:53 AM To: Little, Scott <>; Khalil, Ghada <>; Lal, RafalX <>; Reed, Joshua <> Cc: Webster, Steven <>; Walsh, Richard <>; Clarke, Kevin <>; <> Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Review of app-intel-ethernet-operator code Thanks, Ghada and Scott. I'll be reviewing it shortly. RafalX, in the meantime, feel free to get in touch in case you have any questions about the application framework standards. Best regards, Igor ________________________________ From: Little, Scott <> Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 3:19 PM To: Khalil, Ghada <>; Lal, RafalX <>; Pires Soares, Igor <>; Reed, Joshua <> Cc: Webster, Steven <>; Walsh, Richard <>; Clarke, Kevin <>; <> Subject: Re: Review of app-intel-ethernet-operator code I've added the core reviewers per your request. Scott On 2023-08-03 12:41, Khalil, Ghada wrote: To clarify, we need at @Little, Scott<> to add Steve, Johusa, and Igor as core reviews on the new repo:<*252Fapp-intel-ethernet-operator__;JQ!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eVcCLq0F7JqXAlL2_Huaoy1GllQDsg-MdPVidsZxlF97aLbtZi4e7oEZNex6524o-3oZ-_lkrnSR4Zp65z040WO3w3YMKL3vz5mraw$> Regards, Ghada From: Lal, RafalX <><> Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 11:18 AM To: Little, Scott <><>; Pires Soares, Igor <><>; Reed, Joshua <><> Cc: Khalil, Ghada <><>; Webster, Steven <><>; Walsh, Richard <><>; Clarke, Kevin <><> Subject: Review of app-intel-ethernet-operator code CAUTION: This email comes from a non Wind River email account! Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I’m responsible for integration of Intel Ethernet Operator into StarlingX 9.0, and we are currently at the stage of pushing application code to opendev/starlingx repository. Review from Steven will be there, but core reviewers are needed to merge this change into the repository. I got suggestion from Ghada that you might be able to do that. This is the mentioned change<*/890199__;Kw!!AjveYdw8EvQ!fKzNzQece12g9rmPamZMa2uQhtIKbq1Tag4WeZPcKWTwOwg-3rIdQhpcDdrJP3X62iBvdgv8raiOFK1okCvItlOf$>. I would greatly appreciate if you would have a look at it in your free time. Best Regards Rafal