Hi Wei. You are correct that the Dist Cloud architecture doesn’t currently support OpenStack on the edge nodes, and thus the image caching features in OpenStack
aren’t available.
Sadly your questions take me beyond the limits of my knowledge, so I need other folks in the community to join this thread and help you.
Hi Bruce,
Many thanks for your reply.
I'm using the starlingx 3.0. Maybe I didn't describe my question clearly.
I want to setup the openstack on both central and edge. The main VM image storage will be on the central. When we deploy VM instance on edge, there's no image locally. So either get the image from
central by demands, or save the image on both sides.
It's heard from other that openstack couldn't be deployed on central cloud for version 3.0. And some more stratage for image sharing will be in version 4.0.
Because version 4.0 would be a little late for us, it will be good to know some details and maybe we could do some simplified process.
Thanks & Regards,
Jones, Bruce E <bruce.e.jones@intel.com>
Wei Chen(联通集团联通云数据有限公司本部);
RE: Question about distributed openstack
Hello Wei. Distributed Cloud support is available in StarlingX 3.0 which was just recently released.
You can find the ISO image here [1]. You can find documentation on how to setup a StarlingX distributed cloud at this link [2].
Once you have your cloud and its subclouds set up, you should be able to share images between them.
From: Wei Chen(联通集团联通云数据有限公司本部)
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 10:28 PM
To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Question about distributed openstack
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm an engineer that use the starlingx in our product. I setup a central cloud and an edge. Now I hit an issue about how to share the image from center to the edge. What
I thought is, write one application on the edge, get the image list from center, then pull by demand.
It's said that in the near future like starlingx 4.0, the distributed openstack will be leveraged and there's something about image process. So, could you share any idea/material about
Thanks & Regards,
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