Agenda and Notes for the Oct 31st call * How to handle DST changes? Use UTC timeslots or keep Pacific time? * Remote client SDK module - remove it? Keep it? Do we keep the TiC SDK? If so, should we support it and document it? * Brent: We can remove the SDK. WR to handle. * Updated Code Submission Guidelines: * Still seeing reviews that haven't been tested or compiled. Please review the updated guidelines and post with WF -1 and WIP if you're looking for early review comments * March release planning * Project priority call for submissions * Each sub-team should be thinking about what they want to do for the release ? Can/should we schedule the teams to come into this meeting and present their plans? ? Each team to update the Ethercalc with their high priority work items * ? Each team to come to the community call next week to briefly review ? TSC to review globally at or before Berlin. * Release team to consider how/when/if to establish some additional milestones * Can we please have some reviewers look into this Ceph upgrade PR: * * There are no notifications for new PRs so please send email out to the mailing list when you post one * TSC members - now that we've grown the TSC we need more +1/+2 on specs to approve specs * "Clear the decks over the next few days to approve specs in flight" * Meeting time switch options * Keep meeting times as per UTC - 6AM meetings would move to 5AM * Move meeting times around to keep 5AM meetings off US calendars * Poll: * Meetings: * Decision - move meeting times with US DST and keep the 6AM meetings at 6am