Oct 4, 2023 Attendees: Charles Short, Davlet, Elaine, Juanita, Mark A. * 1.2 Log into the git before download the source. * How to pass the credential through the tooling layer when log into g repo. * workaround: currently use repo sync outside of the containers. * AI: Scott to write up a feature request for the tool - file a request in Story Board. * Created: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010777, (create a jira for it) * 1.3 Pre-patch ISO: * The Pre-patched ISO will contain an ostree-repo with a ‘single’ commit containing the final state of the rootfs after all the patches have been applied * i.e. note that for size reasons, we should not have a commit for each patch and metadata for all the patches that have been applied. * In summary, the GA ISO and Prepatched ISOs will generally be the same in that they both have an ostree-repo with a single ostree-commit, the prepatched iso * will have the GA content + all patches and will use apt-ostree (Charles Short). * Open Questions: How to patch grub and other files that are not managed by ostree * A: this is covered in the upstream generic OSTree documentation. OSTree can cover the /boot directory when needed. 2. ARM Support * Skip due to CDC national holidays 3. StarlingX 8.0 * SPEC from Chuck on OSTree generation on the controller, pending review. * Work is in progress. Next Meeting: Oct 28, 2023