Hi StarlingX Community, As a follow up to the PTG the StarlingX Marketing team started to work on proposals to update the project’s mission statement. The team would like to ask the community for input so we can have a more guided activity and better fitting results. The questions we raised during the Marketing meeting yesterday: * What will be the community’s priorities for the short to mid-term future, meaning the next 1-3 years? * What is the community’s vision with regards to challenges that the StarlingX platform is developed and shaped to solve and address? To ensure progress the Marketing team set up an ad-hoc meeting time for Monday (November 14) at 11am US Pacific Time, to have a workshop and work on options. Anyone who is interested in participating in that conversation please join us on the call! The dial-in link for the meeting is: https://windriver.zoom.us/j/97692404047?pwd=Um93SXBzNFMwL21JUmJYU3dteVNVdz09 Thanks and Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Senior Manager, Community & Ecosystem Open Infrastructure Foundation