On 2022-02-03 13:46:05 +0000 (+0000), Short, Charles wrote:
I am pretty sure we don't have any official Debian Developers working on StarlingX but we would love to collaborate with Debian, and possible contribute patches that we are carry back to Debian. [...]
Thanks for the quick followup! And I know you're aware, but for the benefit of others on the list it's probably worth pointing out: if anyone in the StarlingX community who's become familiar with Debian's packaging tools and policies wants to go through Debian's "New Maintainer" process[*], being an official Debian Maintainer (or eventually a Debian Developer) can help get bug fixes and other patches upstreamed to Debian more quickly, particularly if they're for under-maintained packages where the maintainers are looking for a bit of help getting them up to date. [*] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/new-maintainer.en.ht... -- Jeremy Stanley