Next Call: December 18


·         Logistics


·         date/time:


·         Standing Topics

§  Sanity: any RED since last week?

o     none

§  Unanswered Requests for Help on Mailing List

·         Docs team has some open requests for help with the documentation - Ghada to help round up volunteers :)

§  Reviews needing input

·         Saul - thank you for the on-going reviews of the CentOS changes.

· --- changed priority to High so it'll get cherry-picked 

· --- change to High as well 

·  --- not critical for today, but should be cherry-picked once it's merged (to 3.0 and 2.0)

· - "how to upversion openstack" doc needs review


·         Supporting users - we are (hopefully) about to see an influx of new users who will need support.


·         Upcoming maintenance Releases (Ghada)

§  Planning a maintenance release stx.2.0.2 in the new year to provide fixes for a number of CVEs already fixed in master/stx.3.0

· - ntp

· & - ruby

· - wget

· - elfutils

· - polkit

· - systemd

· - OVMF (includes a pull request for stx-nova)

· - sudo

· & - libX11

·         Cherrypicks for those are in progress

§  Would also like to include the following:

·         Kernel CVEs after some soak in master -- will allow two weeks of soak after merge

o - kernel

o - kernel

o - kernel (addressed implicitly as the fix is in the chosen kernel version)

·         kubernetes apiserver certificate needs rotation


·         Any others?

o    stx.2.0 Open Bugs:

o    AR PLs - are there are bugs that should be on this list?  Request response by Jan 8 (next community call)

§  Release milestone achieved on Monday Dec 16. woohoo!

§  The r/stx.3.0 branch is open for cherrypicking high priority bugs which are tagged for stx.3.0 for inclusion in the next maintenace release

·         Current count of high priority bugs: 16

·         Workflow is to fix in master first, then proceed with the cherrypick

·         Next maintenance release schedule is TBD - likely late Jan/early Feb depending on available fixes

§  Need update for the PL/TL action from the last community meeting

·         Request each PL to review the Medium bugs and decide if any should be changed to High priority so that they are cherrypicked in a subsequent maintenance release

o    AR: PLs Target Finishing this scrub by the next community call - Dec 18

o    Update:

§  Austin - stx.distro.other,  >> Review in progress / Target EOD

§  Yong - stx.distro.openstack >> Two mediums will be upgraded to High

§  Dariush - stx.config, stx.fault, stx.metal >> Review complete, no new Highs

§  Frank - stx.containers >> Review complete, Mediums moved to 4.0

·         Follow-Up Action: After Dec 18, Ghada will update the Medium priority bugs as follows:

o    Medium >= 100 days that are not reproduced recently will be marked as Low priority / no target release

o    Medium < 100 days OR recently reproduced will be moved to stx.4.0



·         AR Review (see below)


·         StarlingX 2019 Year in Review

§  206 Storyboard Stories completed

§  544 Defects closed

§  Key features: Kubernetes support, 95% patch removal, containerized OpenStack Stein

§  39 Storyboard Stories completed

§  178 Defects closed

§  Key features: Distributed Cloud, OpenStack Train, TSN for VMs, Intel FPGA/GPU




Open Action Required (AR) Summary (see for archived actions)

·         <date task was assigned> -- <owner> -- <description + comments>

·         Dec 11, 2019 -- PLs -- follow up on 3.0 bugs per Ghada email


·         Nov 30, 2019 -- Kris -- link to developer resource for upversioning from Stein to Train

§  Dec 11 (Kris): We have a doc in review for updating OpenStack in StarlingX to Train:  I anticipate this will be wrapped up by end of this week. 

§  Dec 18 Needs technical review!!!

·         Oct 23, 2019 -- Bill -- CalSoft Image - Bill to raise AR to find a long term home for this

§  Nov 13: will look at the possibility of storing this at CENGN once we get the "big files" capability - consider the questions that Scott has about this e.g. retention policy 

§  Dec 18 Expecting an email today about progress on this for log files only

·         Sep 25, 2019 -- Doc Team -- find a place for Sai Chandu's images/documentation 

§  Nov 11 (Kristal): review with the draft STX in a box guide is here:, Abraham helping with validation, still TBD re: hosting images for download (at CENGN?)

§  Oct 2: We believe this will go into our StarlingX-in-a-box topic as captured in!/story/2006622. Bruce has volunteered to help Sai with the contribution: 

§  Dec 18 - doc reviews in progress, see above for large file hosting

·         Sep 11, 2019 -- Ildiko -- look into documenting the process of having documentation part of the development process to the contributor guide 

§  Oct 16: possible topic for upcoming Community meeting 

§  Oct 9: Release Team has added a checklist item for the feature PL @Milestone-3 that user documentation input for a given feature has been provided 

§  Sep 18: no update this week

§  Dec 18 First pass of the doc updates have been merged, a few issues left to resolve.

·         July 31, 2019 -- Ada/Yang -- combine sanity runs/reports 

§  Nov 30: per Jose, they sorted out their Pytest issues & are now reviewing the results with Yang (more at

§  Dec 18 we will track this for 2020 work.  The work around Ada's team deployed isn't working.

·         June 26, 2019 -- Yang -- arrange an automation framework info session for the Community 

§  Nov 13: per Ada, this will be addressed once they sort out the Pytest issues (per last AR) (more at

§  Dec 18 to be done in 2020 once the technical issues are sorted

·         June 5, 2019 --- <COMMUNITY> -- provide requirements/input on Community Activity Dashboard (see notes from June 5 meeting)

§  Oct 23: Thierry sent survey, see

§  Sep 5: Thierry added "Individual Contributor" page, see his email

§  see &

§  Aug 14: several updates from Thierry on the stx-bitergia etherpad 

§  July 3: see updates on stx-bitergia etherpad 

§  June 19: added github repos & ansible-playbooks repo; request to see which commits a contributor has done 

§  Dec 18 CLOSED

·         May 8, 2019 -- Frank -- follow up with CENGN on storage for really large files for reference in Launchpads

§  Nov 20: trial is happening now through next week (more at