Agenda for 07/09 Attendees: Bill, Fernando, Cristopher, JC, Jose, JP, Maria P, Ada, Elio 1. Sanity status - Cristopher Green Continues - the bug that was causing yellows last week has been fixed. Doing some improvements to the automation in order to have shorter times. Thanks for the records on the setup + provisioning + sanity times. Bill to remind Numan on collecting the info from WR environment. We will have to run sanity on the master and RC1 branch once this is done. Ada and Cristopher to plan on having the 2 runs daily. 2. Regression testing status - Elio, Numan Regression report - show manual + automation progress - Ada and Numan to define it. 273 test executed. 222 Pass, 15 failures, 149 pending. 36 blocked, mostly coming from SRIOV. 2 Related to simplex, 1 heat, 21 networking, 4 security (B&R). 8 System tests. Trunking, SRIOV and Data network are the most important things with problems. Plan is to finish first round of manual execution this week. There are still questions on some tests cases. An email will be sent asking for help. Waiting for feedback on IPv6 test. - Tests related to IPv6 will be run on Data network only. Automated tests - 50% of execution done. ~49% passing. Numan has updated the regression tracker. Please make sure to have the file updated for having accurate numbers. For the report, the pass rate will be calculated considering the total as (passed + failed). The report from today will be sent in this way. Blocked tests are not being considered for the pass rate calculation. This might affect the metric in the future, once these are not blocked anymore. There are two launchpads marked as 'incomplete', please take a look at and complete them Make sure of following the template by the time you create launchpads. 3. Feature testing status Report - OpenStack patch elimination - 2 tests pending. Information was sent and is being reviewed. One launchpad opened yesterday related to displaying the sensors information. Cannot display host sensors list - Containers - 14 tests remaining. Waiting for information on 4. Planning to finish this week. Ask Numan for update offline. 4. Opens No opens. Everyone is eager to get back to work. Regards Ada