Build team meeting 12/20/2018


Jason, Scott, Ken, Mario, Erich, Victor, Hayde, Marcela, Chuy, Memo, Luis, Pipo, Cesar



- Release notes follow up

- Public Static Analysis

- next steps for path to multi-OS builds

- opens



Release notes follow up: today we are generating a change log, this is being published in the Cengn mirror along with the ISO file, we need to further investigate if those notes are good for the validation team as this was a requirement from them, or if we need to add more information to that report.

AR – Scott to reply back to the mailing list thread regarding the release notes


Public Static Analysis: the effort is ongoing, we are just waiting for the team on coverity scan team to review our requests for static analysis. This a process that takes some time and not sure how it will fit our automation efforts, since we haven’t been able to try it yet. Today, in our request,  we are covering C and C++ code as we don’t see any Python support on the free online tool yet. Ken offered a resource mid-January if we decided to have a dedicated person to this effort moving forward.


next steps for path to multi-OS builds: We are aligned, a decision was made by the TSC to only support CentOS, Clear and Ubuntu for our multi-OS strategy. The best way to create a proposal around this will be to create a PoC for the multi-OS  build system just to dimension how big is the effort and the potential issues we might encounter along the way. We also need to include the Non-OpenStack distro team as they are key stakeholders in the multi-OS effort.



Build is currently broken at Cengn since the latest changes around container setup and enablement.

Erich did encounter an Issue where new repositories were added to the mirror and were not synced with Cengn mirror, making the builds to fail on intel premises.

These issues may not be related and we think the main root cause could be the symlink on the CentOS repo pointing to CentOS 7 not including latest versions of packages or removing older versions that we need.

Scott to follow up on both issues.


This meeting will be on break through December and the next scheduled session will be on January 10th 2019


Happy holidays and happy new year!  





Cesar Lara

Software Engineering Manager

OpenSource Technology Center