TSC election for Q2 (ildikov)

Needs to be held in Q2

Timing recommendation - watch out for summit conflict

                Need a date - not week leading up to release or summit.  Before or after summit?

Need a date - not week leading up to release or summit.  Before or after summit?

Leverage OpenStack Tools and Processes

Upload a patch to election repo


Bruce volunteered to be election official

+ Ildiko from Foundation

Could have another - not likely a popular job :)

Positions for election:

1 - Open, 1 from Wind River, 1 from Intel, Ana and Miguel position also up for election


Denver summit workshop

Is up on the schedule now: https://www.openstack.org/summit/denver-2019/summit-schedule/events/23630/starlingx-hands-on-workshop. Thanks to Ildiko and foundation team for putting it up.

Need to confirm VM's and size available - need to watch out for machine load

Feedback from Packet team - give each user a smaller machine to minimize problems if a participant hangs a machine.

Blog post to advertise (ildikov)

Curtis - I can work on this unless someone else wants to, could have something next week


Multi-os direction

Looking for input on which kernel to use - Abraham doing analysis

Spec to be abandoned - LTS to be taken for STX

Team to look at a "How to/recipe" for changing Kernel


Packet.com PoC

Curtis - Still awaiting MOU; emailed Brian K. @packet earlier this week for an update

Draft is available - will send over.

3 Edge sites launched and up and running

Working to connect edge with Wireless infrastructure

Brian from Packet.com feels STX is a great fit for Packet

Each site will have CBRS access


Forum Sessions


Curtis - I submitted "StarlingX for OpenStack Operators". They only allow one moderator per session it seems so I couldn't add Shuquan.


Public service announcements:

Welcome to join the 9th Open Source Hackathon in Shenzhen China from Apr.18 - Apr.20

Some sessions on STX planned - also bug hacking sessions