This is the build report for StarlingX project for ww40 We started to generate two different builds inside Intel infrastructure: one for Master branch and another one for Release branch r/2018.10 Last merged changes[0] projected for this release were integrated in the build for both branches as of October 4th during afternoon Build As part of the build process, we are testing automation to get release notes between each build (commits and branches that have changed since last build) Summary of builds Master branch - 5 successful 0 failed (builds # 155-160) starlingx-2018-10 branch - 5 successful 1 failed [1] (build# 9-15) [0] - "after adding autoconf-archive-2017.03.21-1.el7.noarch.rpm in system, building ceph package will meet "aclocal: error: too many loops" [1] build-rpm-parallel --std failed with rc=1, Failed to build packages: libvirt-4.7.0-1.tis.22.src.rpm Fixed Regards Cesar Lara Software Engineering Manager OpenSource Technology Center