24 Jul
24 Jul
12:11 p.m.
Hi all, I'm trying to understand how the build system decides what to build on specific scenarios. Let's say we have a complete build and then we run: $ build-pkgs bash This will rebuild the bash package, but also the build system decides to delete and rebuild a set of packages that I don't understand why are being rebuild, for example: iptables-1.4.21-18.0.1.el7.tis.3.x86_64.rpm kernel-3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.35.tis.x86_64.rpm qemu-kvm-common-ev-2.10.0-0.tis.0.x86_64.rpm sm-common-libs-1.0.0-19.tis.x86_64.rpm and a big list of packages. So, the main question here is why the build system decides to rebuild a kernel (taking an example) in order to rebuild bash. Thank you, -Erich