Hi all


Now, we have 186 members from 23 companies/organizations around the world in the WeChat group.


For the impact of COVID-19, there were no face-to-face event during the first half years.

Here are the online events:

   Sunny transported the StarlingX 3.0 release doc into Chinese and it was published to the WeChat Official Accounts of StarlingX

   Austin attended an interview and shared his experiences of contribute to the community.


Here are the hot discussion topics.     (Most questions and issues were solved by discussion, those require attentions or not be solved have been marked at the end of line. )

1. Chinese language support  

         The platform dashboard is not fully supported Chinese language.      ----  Attention required

2. kernel version related

        How to upgrade kernel on a deployed StarlingX 3.0 env.                                    

3. issues met using stx-openstack

       How to add number of available volume in stx-openstack (AIO)          ----- Not solved yet

       Did starlingX support ‘write same’ of drbd?                                              ----- Not solved yet

       How to run openstack on central cloud                                                 

4. build issues

5. prevision and config of StarlingX system

        Why use ansible and puppet to config the system at the same?  Is there any improvement?            ----  Attention required

BeiBei provided several inspiring ideas like using kubespray; saltstack, etc.


