This is a snapshot of a work in progress specification for an effort to rearrange and restructure our formal documentation, and to add new documents.  The intent is to make it easier for people new to the project to find out what they need to know to get started, and to provide an organization for our other documents that makes reference material easier to find.


Comments and feedback welcome either in email or in the google doc we’re currently using [0].


Thank you!







Documentation re-org and user documentation framework



This specification proposes changes to the structure of the StarlingX documentation to make it easier for new contributors and users to find the information they need.  We are also proposing a number of new documents to cover gaps in the current documentation set.  This spec will define the proposed new structure of the repo and include links to the SB entries for the new documents proposed.


Problem description


The StarlingX documentation structure should be improved to provide more information for new users and contributors, as well as providing additional reference information for more experienced users.  It should also be improved to make it easier for users and contributors to navigate the document hierarchy so they can find what they need.


Use Cases


  1. As a brand new user, I would like to learn the basics about StarlingX so I can plan my initial deployment
  2. As a user, I would like to learn how to install, deploy and run StarlingX, so I can learn about it, try it out and evaluate it.
  3. As a user, I want to be able to plan my deployment of StarlingX so I can ensure my deployment is successful
  4. As a user deploying StarlingX in production, I would like to learn how to use all of the features of StarlingX and have all of the API and CLI interfaces documented, so I can manage my StarlingX Edge Cloud.
  5. As a brand new contributor, I would like to learn about the process for building StarlingX from source code
  6. As a contributor, I would like to learn about the architecture of StarlingX and the project’s development process, so I can contribute to the project.


Proposed Change


We propose to change the StarlingX documentation hierarchy from this:

     Installation Guide

     Developer Guide

     Project Specifications

     REST API Reference

     Release Notes


To this:

Introductory Guides - Read This First!

How to deploy and use StarlingX

StarlingX In A Bottle

Releases and Release Notes

Installation and Deployment Guides

Evaluation Guide

Operation Guides

How to contribute to StarlingX

Contributor Guides

StarlingX Internals

Architecture Documents


Reference Documents

SB link for the restructuring: TBD


New Documents


This section describes the new documents to be created.


Introductory Guides - Read This First!


This document shall contain:

A high level overview of StarlingX discussing the key use cases and capabilities of the system

A link to “Introduction to StarlingX”

A link to “StarlingX for OpenStack users”

A link to “StarlingX for Kubernetes users”

A link to “StarlingX Background Information”

SB entry: TBD


Introduction to StarlingX


This document should start with a project overview wrt objectives, capabilities, basic approaches.  Introduce the concept of base Kubernetes Cluster + optional OpenStack Cloud Application.  Then provide a high level description of how to download, install, deploy and run StarlingX.  It should highlight the deployment options and how they can be used to implement the use cases in the Read This First document. 

SB entry: TBD


StarlingX for OpenStack Users


This document shall highlight key similarities and differences between StarlingX and standard OpenStack.

SB entry: TBD

StarlingX for Kubernetes users


This document shall highlight key similarities and diffs between STX and standard Kubernetes.

SB entry: TBD


StarlingX Background Information


This document shall contain a sanitized version of Abraham’s internal New Hire spreadsheet.

SB entry: TBD


How to deploy and use StarlingX


This page will describe at a high level how to install, deploy and use StarlingX.  It will include links to:

StarlingX In A Bottle

Releases and Release Notes

Installation and Deployment Guides

Operation Guides

SB entry: TBD


StarlingX in a Bottle


This page will describe how to boot and run the “StarlingX in a Bottle” (SIAB).  Once we actually create it (insert SB link here).

The document should take users through the process of bringing SIAB up and show them some basic commands (create VM, load image into VM, start/stop VM, etc…)

SB entry: TBD


Releases and Release Notes


This should be a landing page with links to the Cengn images and Release notes for all releases.  Releases that are no longer supported should be included (for historical reasons) but should be marked as “obsolete” or “unsupported”.

SB entry: TBD


Installation and Deployment Guides



This is likely our current documents, with new and changed content to describe the major components of the system, the various deployment options, guidance for which ones to deploy for various use cases, and all the other details in the StarlingX Deployment Options presentation shared by Greg.  

We should consider separate documents for installation and deployment.  We should also consider having separate deployment documents for each option.  We should also consider separate documents for deploying optional components (e.g. all of OpenStack and Ironic in an OpenStack deployment).  We should also consider a Planning document that will help users figure out how to build the physical resources (equipment) needed to run StarlingX (e.g. hardware requirements, etc…)

SB entry: TBD


StarlingX Evaluation Guide


This is a new document describing how we expect end users who are new to StarlingX to evaluate the software.  It should describe basic evaluation use cases and how to implement them in StarlingX.  It should call out the open source functional and performance test suites (once they exist) and how to run them.  


StarlingX Operation Guides



This document will be a landing page linking to a collection of other documents describing in detail how to operate a StarlingX Edge Cloud.  TODO: Define those documents.

Contributor Guides


This is our current Contributor Guides.  Additional content is likely needed.  TODO: Review the current guide(s) and define changes/additions needed.


StarlingX Internals


This page is a landing page, linking to the Architecture documents (which don’t exist…), the current link to the StarlingX specifications and a new landing page for the Reference docs

SB entry: TBD


Architecture Documents


This is a placeholder (for now) for any Arch Docs that may be produced.

SB entry: TBD


Reference Documents


This is a landing page linking to the API documentation and to the new CLI documentation pages.

SB entry: TBD


CLI Reference Documents


This is a set of pages/documents that fully define the Command Line Interface for each StarlingX component.

SB entry: TBD




There are likely many ways to organize the StarlingX document repository.  This way seems reasonable and extensible to me :).


Data model impact





REST API impact





Security impact




Other end user impact



End users should find it significantly easier to deploy and manage StarlingX Edge Clouds.


Performance Impact





Other deployer impact





Developer impact



Developers will have to maintain additional documents.  Since these documents will help them do their jobs, it’s worth the effort :)


Upgrade impact








This work will be implemented as a set of related Storyboard entries, as called out in the Proposed Change.




Members of the Docs team will lead.  Contributions from the broader community will be needed.


Primary assignee:



Other contributors:



Repos Impacted

============== and likely the Flock services repos


Work Items



See the SB entries called out in the Proposed Change





None significant





Testing will be needed to ensure that the documents written accurately describe the software.


Documentation Impact



Lots :)