Le mer. 19 sept. 2018 à 00:41, Jimmy McArthur <jimmy@openstack.org> a écrit :
Hey Matt,

Matt Riedemann wrote:
> Just a process question.

Good question.
> I submitted a presentation for the normal marketing blitz part of the
> summit which wasn't accepted (I'm still dealing with this emotionally,
> btw...)

Same as I do :-) Unrelated point, for the first time in all the Summits I know, I wasn't able to know the track chairs for a specific track. Ideally, I'd love to reach them in order to know what they disliked in my proposal.

If there's anything I can do...
> but when I look at the CFP link for Forum topics, my thing shows up
> there as "Received" so does that mean my non-Forum-at-all submission
> is now automatically a candidate for the Forum because that would not
> be my intended audience (only suits and big wigs please).
Forum Submissions would be considered separate and non-Forum submissions
will not be considered for the Forum. The submission process is based on
the track you submit to and, in the case of the Forum, we separate this
track out from the rest of the submission process.

If you think there is still something funky, send me a note via
speakersupport@openstack.org or jimmy@openstack.org and I'll work
through it with you.

I have another question, do you know why we can't propose a Forum session with multiple speakers ? Is this a bug or an expected behaviour ? In general, there is only one moderator for a Forum session, but in the past, I clearly remember we had some sessions that were having multiple moderators (for various reasons).



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