Hi, I would like to share/discuss the instructions to generate the installer before are publish into the wiki. I couldn't find a previous version of these instructions, probably I confused with this warning from the download_mirror.sh[0]. The update-pxe-network-installer script follows the steps detailed here[1]. Build installer =============== To get your StarlingX ISO ready to use, you will need to create the init files that will be used to boot the ISO as well to boot additional controllers and compute nodes. Once you had run `build-iso`, run: ``` build-pkgs --installer ``` This will build `rpm` and `anaconda` packages. Then run: ``` update-pxe-network-installer ``` The update-pxe-network-installer` covers the steps detailed in `$MY_REPO/stx/stx-metal/installer/initrd/README`. This script will create three files on `/localdisk/loadbuild/<user>/<project>/pxe- network-installer/output` ``` new-initrd.img new-squashfs.img new-vmlinuz ``` Then, rename them to: ``` initrd.img-stx-0.2 squashfs.img-stx-0.2 vmlinuz-stx-0.2 ``` There are two ways to use these files: 1. Store the files in the '/import/mirror/CentOS/tis-installer/` folder for future use. 2. Store it in an arbitrary location and modify the `$MY_REPO/stx/stx- metal/installer/pxe-network-installer/centos/build_srpm.data` file to point to these files. Now, the `pxe-network-installer` package needs to be recreated and the ISO regenerated. ``` build-pkgs --clean pxe-network-installer build-pkgs pxe-network-installer build-iso ``` Now your ISO should be able to boot. Updating these files is not a common tasks, it is recommended only do it if the kernel version is upgraded or new kernel modules are added. ===================== End of documentation [0] http://git.starlingx.io/cgit/stx-tools/tree/centos-mirror-tools/download_mir... [1] http://git.starlingx.io/cgit/stx-metal/tree/installer/initrd/README