Status of the Sanity Test for last CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2019-Feb-22 (link)


Status: YELLOW




Sanity Test is executed in a Containers – Bare Metal Environment




Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack  39 TCs [PASS]

Sanity Platform   In Development


TOTAL: [ 39 TCs PASS ]


Multinode Local Storage


Setup             Manual [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack         [FAIL]


Cannot launch instances due to: No valid host was found. Placement service found no hosts. No filter information.

Seems that some pods services are not Running nor Completed:

-   calico-node-fnstv

-   calico-node-wrmwj

-   kube-proxy-mvddg

-   kube-proxy-stnq9

-   nova-cell-setup-xb8xp

-   osh-openstack-garbd-garbd-7779844649-6zttc


In order to debug and discard, proceed to update, override and redeploy the application.




Sanity Test is executed in a Containers - Virtual Environment




Setup             04 TCs [PASS]

Provisioning      Manual [PASS]

Sanity OpenStack  39 TCs [PASS]

Sanity Platform   In Development


TOTAL: [ 43 TCs PASS ]





Juan Carlos Alonso