Hi Shahrooz Bhopti,

Let me try to help with your questions:

> Is sanity testing done weekly, or may daily logs https://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/debian/monolithic/20240825T060000Z/logs/ have sanity results?
You pointed the daily BUILD logs for the StarlingX platform.  Jonathan's email was regarding the stx-openstack application sanity results.
Currently, neither the platform or the application have daily sanity executions. Instead, the community runs it once a week and sends out the list of Test Cases and its results. There is no place where the actual test execution logs are currently publicly stored, but if you have interest in that please bring this topic to our next community call : )

> How do we know which build is green/passed all test cases?
Jonathan's report lists the build date used on each execution "Here are the results for StarlingX + STX-Openstack sanity using the Aug-23 build:..."

> Why is this out of date? latest_green_build/                                29-Oct-2023 14:43
That is actually a question to the build team, but I remember from past community calls when it was mentioned that this "latest_green_build" link was no longer used/being updated. Currently, only the "latest_build" is automatically updated.

Hoping this was helpful to you.
Best regards

Thales Cervi

From: Shahrooz Bhopti <shahrooz@bhopti.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 9:46 AM
To: De Carvalho Silva, Jonathan <Jonathan.DeCarvalhoSilva@windriver.com>
Cc: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Sanity - StarlingX + STX-Openstack MASTER Build ISO [20240823 01:23:50] results - Aug-23
CAUTION: This email comes from a non Wind River email account!
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Why is this out of date?
latest_green_build/                                29-Oct-2023 14:43       -

On Aug 29, 2024, at 8:40 AM, Shahrooz Bhopti <shahrooz@bhopti.com> wrote:

How do we know which build is green/passed all test cases?

On Aug 26, 2024, at 9:49 AM, Shahrooz Bhopti <shahrooz@bhopti.com> wrote:

Is sanity testing done weekly, or may daily logs have sanity results?

On Aug 23, 2024, at 1:40 PM, De Carvalho Silva, Jonathan <Jonathan.DeCarvalhoSilva@windriver.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm happy to share that we are re-enabling the stx-openstack weekly sanity executions!

Here are the results for StarlingX + STX-Openstack sanity using the Aug-23 build:

and Helm Charts:

Overall Sanity Results: RED

AIO-DX Baremetal with VSWITCH_TYPE=ovs

Sanity Status: RED

Automated Test Results Summary:
Passed: 7 (50.0%)
Failed: 7 (50.0%)
Total Executed: 14
List of Test Cases:
PASS  20240822 23:52:05 test_ssh_to_hosts
PASS  20240822 23:52:56 test_lock_unlock_host
PASS  20240823 00:07:17 test_openstack_services_healthy
PASS  20240823 00:08:15 test_reapply_stx_openstack_no_change[controller-0]
FAIL  20240823 00:52:47 test_reapply_stx_openstack_no_change[controller-1]
FAIL  20240823 01:10:31 test_swact_controllers
FAIL  20240823 01:13:04 test_ping_between_two_vms[tis-centos-guest-virtio-virtio]
FAIL  20240823 01:16:55 test_migrate_vm[tis-centos-guest-live-None]
FAIL  20240823 01:18:53 test_nova_actions[tis-centos-guest-dedicated-pause-unpause]
FAIL  20240823 01:20:25 test_nova_actions[tis-centos-guest-dedicated-suspend-resume]
FAIL  20240823 01:21:53 test_evacuate_vms
PASS  20240823 01:23:18 test_system_coredumps_and_crashes[core_dumps]
PASS  20240823 01:23:31 test_system_coredumps_and_crashes[crash_reports]
PASS  20240823 01:23:38 test_system_alarms

All failed tests are related to the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/2077756


STX-Openstack Distro Team