Hi Penny,
Any comment on ntp?
For nfs-utils, I have updated patch below. Could you pls help to review it?
I just used a new separate package (nfs-utils-config) instead of platform-utils to package
Config files.
Since the config file in nfs-utils is marked as %config(noreplace) , patching in future will
Not overwrite it. So there is no issue for patching scenario.
No need to use kickstart script and patching script for this case.
Thanks for your proposal!
Hi Penny,
I’d like to discuss with you about this 2 patches.
ntpd-started-no-g-option.patch //change /etc/sysconfig/ntpd
ntp-spec-add-TiS-custom-config-files.patch // add ntp.conf file to /etc/
Can we remove this 2 patches?
In stx/stx-config/puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/ntp.pp,
it already generates ntp.conf file by puppet
file { 'ntp_config':
ensure => file,
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
mode => '0640',
content => template('platform/ntp.conf.server.erb'),
For /etc/sysconfig/ntpd, I’d like to add this custom file in ntp.pp, then we can remove related patch.
Any comment from you? Thanks!
BTW, I saw some other packages also have pp file in stx/stx-config/puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/
So I can do some modification on existed pp to change/add some config file, right?
For SW patching scenario, it is OK for non-in-service update. After reboot, puppet will apply config again.
But for in-service update, without reboot, how to apply this custom file again after patching. That’s why I thought of using patching-script.
Do you have any other proposal?