Hello Ghada and fellows:
Please help.
I built a stx.4.0 bootimages.iso from my Starlingx-layered-build environment,
and use the bootimages.iso to deploy a distributed cloud.
However, suffer an error after ansible-playbook deploying.
I have traced the yaml file to find the root cause, but I can't find any  .sc_database_configured in /etc/platform.

Where I can find the .sc_database_configured?

TASK [bootstrap/persist-config : Wait for system controller database configuration to complete] ***
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 300, "msg": "Timeout waiting for system controller database configuration to complete"}


- name: Wait for system controller database configuration to complete
    path: /etc/platform/.sc_database_configured
    state: present
    timeout: 300
    msg: Timeout waiting for system controller database configuration to complete
  when: distributed_cloud_role == 'systemcontroller'