Agenda and notes from the 8/22 meeting * Core team call is cancelled for this week. * Security issue handling - Security team o Need to be more open and transparent about the process the Intel team is following - don't surprise the community. o Need to be more open (within the Security team) about the work items coming out of the Intel security review o Static analysis results and how to handle? o Banned C function usage and how to handle? o Intel has internal milestones for this work. o Ken to set a Security team call. Action needed to set the priority of the Security work in the community. o Ildiko can help with setting calls. Please reach out to her. * STX-GUI end to end plan - Dariush - Eddie's code merged yesterday. Code is not yet enabled, during configuration the plug-in needs to be enabled. Want to see an email to the community notifying people of the change, since other devs depend on this. Configuration code needs to be written, likely outside of Eddie's scope. Will also need to remove older panels from Horizon in a coordinated way once we flip the switch. Bruce to get with Eddie. * Centos package updates - stale reviews and feature branch status - Ghada - reviews on main have been moved to the feature branch, will be merged there, reviews on mainline should be abandoned. Both community and Wind River should test the branch before it merges to main. Test build should be available end of next week. * Definition of a bug - Ghada o Follow up to the Security discussion - would like to see defects coming out of large efforts e.g. static analysis shouldn't be tracked on a bug by bug basis but as part of larged stories - don't want to see one bug per static analysis issue for instance. For example, we should define one story for static analysis issues for stx-fault and let the team decide how/if to break that work up into tasks. o Can use the Importance field in LP to assign priorities to bugs. Should agree on how to set priorities. * Bottom up plan for release - Ghada o weekly meetings for sub-teams - schedule on wiki with Ildiko o Sub-teams should define priorities for the teams and tag stories for the right release. * For example, the Docs team has tagged their stories, holds weekly calls and post call minutes to the email list. o In OpenStack the teams determine release content and the Release team handles process and mechanics. In StarlingX we've been leaning toward the Release team determining content. We should probably start leaning more toward a collaborative model. o Release team can put a proposal together for review * Sanity testing is almost done. Elio would like to start publishing the results to some public forum. Spamming the email isn't desirable. Will start with a wiki page.