Thank-you to all for participating in today’s meeting – here are the minutes:
Note: the next meeting will be Tuesday Feb 4
Minutes for January 14 meeting:
1. Review status on 2006145: Kata container support [Shuicheng Lin] (should be merged by time of this meeting)
- Shuicheng's main commits are now merged
- Remaining work items include:
   - remove dockerd after all containers switch to containerd
   - update "Rotate k8s certificate" code in patch 692276 to use containerd
- Open issue:
   - Shuicheng cannot remove dockerd as the containerd crictl command does not support image push function
i) Brent to have a look offline about the crictl limitation for pushing images; ideally we want to remove dockerd so would be good to identify a solution
ii) Shuicheng to hold a brief demo at the next containerization meeting on Feb 4; Greg/Frank to provide suggestions of what we would like to see
2. Review status on 2005527: CEPH Containerization in StarlingX [Tingjie Chen]
- Tingie gave an update of the tasks for this feature (Reference:
- Some discussion held on 2 option design questions: 
    a) Why is sysinv involved in configuring CEPH with Rook - how can we have Rook do all the configuration and not have sysinv involved?
    b) How will an existing customer with a mimc ceph cluster migrate to a Rook ceph cluster?
- Plan is for the feature primes to continue to flush out these 2 design questions and we'll continue the discussion at the next containerization meeting on Feb 4
3. Other topics?
    - [Mingyuan] Please review , addressing Ironic LP --> Bob will review this week; will also need another core to review
    - [Mingyuan] Need inputs from container cores for user application gen tool --> Bob will review this week; Frank will also ask Angie to review as well
From: Miller, Frank
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 8:42 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: StarlingX Containerization Bi-weekly Meeting
A reminder that there will be a meeting this week on Tuesday Jan 14.  The 2 main topics will be:
1. Review status on 2006145: Kata container support [Shuicheng Lin]
2. Review status on 2005527: CEPH Containerization in StarlingX [Tingjie Chen]
If you have additional topics please add them to the etherpad:
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Miller, Frank
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2020 1:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: StarlingX Containerization Bi-weekly Meeting
When: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 9:30 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
The next meeting for containerization will occur next week on Tuesday Jan 14.
Agenda will be updated before the meeting but will include:
Agenda for January 14 meeting:
1. Review status on 2006145: Kata container support [Shuicheng Lin] (should be merged by time of this meeting)
2. Review status on 2005527: CEPH Containerization in StarlingX [Tingjie Chen] 
3. Other topics?
Timeslot:  9:30am EST / 6:30am PDT / 1430 UTC (every 2 weeks)
Call details
Agenda and meeting minutes
Project notes are at
Containerization subproject wiki: