There will be a docer.hub outage Saturday May 4, 2019 from approximately 9:00AM to 7:15PM, US Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Docker Hub Planned Maintenance Announcement for Saturday, 4 May
Date: Fri, 3 May 2019 13:00:02 +0000
From: Kent Lamb <>



You are receiving this communication as a Docker Hub account holder and as a valued member of our community. In our ongoing effort to provide the best possible customer experience and highest level of security, we are taking steps to update Docker Hub.

To do so, we will be performing scheduled maintenance this Saturday May 4, 2019 from approximately 9:00AM to 7:15PM, US Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7). During this window, Docker Hub will be operating in a read-only mode. Registry logins and image pulls will continue to work for a majority of this time frame. Pushes however will generally be unavailable. Maintenance activities, approximate timelines and FAQ can be found in our knowledge base article, which we will be updating throughout the maintenance window.

We understand that the maintenance process impacts our customers and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will also provide updates via

Thank you for choosing Docker.

Kent Lamb
Director, Global Support