

Today, the cinder user is created by puppet when it applies the ::cinder::keystone::auth class. You can see this class being included in stx-config/puppet-manifests/src/modules/openstack/manifests/cinder.pp. However, this puppet code will no longer be used, once we cut over to containers (in the next week or so I think). After that, the cinder user would be created by the application of helm charts. You can see the overrides for the cinder helm chart being populated at stx-config/sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/helm/


I would recommend you start working with the helm charts in the containers environment, since the puppet code will be gone soon.




From: Fang, Liang A []
Sent: February 18, 2019 3:20 AM
To: Wensley, Barton; Penney, Don
Cc: Rowsell, Brent;
Subject: Which code line created the users in keystone table local_user


Hi Bart and Don


In keystone table ‘local_user’, there’s lots of users created (see below), could you please point out which code line created these users?

[Bart] Table deleted due to mailing list size restrictions that were apparently defined when we were all using 300 baud modems…


The background:

In code review, we need to create an internal project and user for raw cache. Currently I use puppet to call cmd “openstack” to create/get the project/user id. I found the user(cinder) has already been created by some existing code, see above picture please. So I’m expecting to create internal project the same way as internal user. Thanks.


