I’m new to starlingx and playing around with it in a lab environment. I was following
https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r7_release/virtual/aio_duplex_install_kubernetes.html and chose to set up rook as the storage backend. In the optional steps for rook it tells you “Wait for the rook-ceph-apps application to be uploaded” but
I didn’t see the application. Uploading it (and where you can download the manifest) was not discussed in the docs so I eventually figured it should have been automatically been uploaded when I add the storage backend?
I removed the storage backend and re-added it, no application was uploaded so I checked the latest puppet logs where it exits during prefetching apt when executing /usr/bin/dpkg-query -W. I ran that command by hand and
I do receive a syntax error “syntax error in triggers deferred file '/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unincorp' at line 1 character 65 ''.
The content of the file is:
I think that might be a leftover from installation, but I am not entirely sure. I removed the file for testing purposes and dpkg-query -W did indeed execute successfully now. Re-Added the storage backend again, but no
application appeared. The puppet run did run without errors though.
So my most important questions are:
Is the rook application actually supposed to upload itself automatically when adding the backend or do I need to upload it manually? If the latter, where can I find the manifest? Only found openstack manifests. If it
does upload automatically, where can I dig deeper to gather more information on why it fails?